Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Heartfulness (K-2nd Grades)

The Block by artist Romare Bearden exploring collage
and the theme of neighborhood
One aspect of mindfulness is Heartfulness, which is what we focused on during this class!  The organization Mindful Schools defines Heartfulness as "the intentional nurturing of positive mind states such as kindness and compassion."  Well, for my K-2nd grade students this is a little too complex of an idea!  So instead I talked about Heartfulness as sending kind thoughts to ourselves and to others.

For this class, I asked the students to think of someone who makes them happy, someone that they see almost everyday.  It could be a friend, family member, or teacher.  Then we closed our eyes and imagined this person doing something that makes him or her very happy.  After visualizing this happy, peaceful individual in our heads, we began sending kind thoughts to the person.  Closing our eyes, we repeated the words:

May you be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you be peaceful.

We took three mindful breaths after saying the words, and I asked the children to think of that special person one more time and then open their eyes.  If the students wanted to, they could share who they thought of and how the experience of Heartfulness made them feel.  

One students shared that saying the words out loud made her feel a little uncomfortable.  With such an unusual practice I wasn't surprised and I was thankful for her honesty!  Another student said that her kind thoughts didn't have very far to go because they were for her sister who was on the next yoga mat over!  When two boys said that they sent the words of kindness to themselves, I was very excited!  Who deserves kindness more than we do?  Such a great practice to start, and one that we can lose as adults: KINDNESS TO OURSELVES!

During the movement part of the class, I reminded everyone to focus on how they feel both before and after moving their bodies!  We practiced many poses that they are familiar with, and tried Crow Pose (Bakasana) once again as a challenge.  It's fun for me to watch them become comfortable with the poses and make them their own.

Art-wise, I today we looked at the work of artist Romare Bearden.  If you're interested, here is an interactive, kid-friendly site from the Metropolitan Museum of Art about Romare Bearden; you might enjoy exploring the site with your child to learn more about this fascinating artist.  I showed many images of Bearden's work, focusing on his art with collage.  Next class the students will incorporate their photographs into their self-portrait drawings to create a collage of their own.  Today we worked on developing the background of the artwork.  I asked the students to utilize one of Bearden's themes of either neighborhood or music and add that idea into the background of the picture.  It was fun to watch what they came up with! 

Here are a few more pieces by Romare Bearden that we looked at:

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Balance and Change (3rd-5th Grades)

 I'm excited to begin Session 2 of Mind Move Make with my smart, quirky, silly, fantastic 4th and 5th grade students!  During this session we'll be utilizing the mindfulness curriculum developed by the stellar organization Mindful Schools.  I've been participating in training with them, and I'm thrilled to put what I've learned into action with these lively young ladies (this group is all girls!).

WHAT IS MINDFULNESS?  This is a question I posed to my students, though it is a difficult thing to put into words.  Mindfulness is noticing what is happening in the present moment.  If we are open to it and utilize it, mindfulness can help us in many ways.  It helps strengthen our minds, increase our ability to focus, manage our emotions, and make better decisions.  I described that this class will be an experiment, and the subject we are studying is our very own brains!  We'll be looking at how our minds work.

I gave the students lots of different scenarios to consider.  I asked, "Have you ever":

  • Said something you wished you could take back?
  • Done something you regretted later?
  • Felt angry and out of control?
  • Felt nervous about a test?
  • Had trouble falling asleep?
  • Accidentally spaced out when the teacher calls on you?   
Many of the students could relate to several or all of these situations.  I was impressed by how willing they were to share personal stories about specific events in which they experienced one or many of these things.  Everyone felt encouraged and relieved to know that they were not the "only ones" to feel these emotions or have these things happen.

After the discussion, I explained that mindfulness can help with this, but that they would have to truly try it!  We spent two minutes practicing mindful breathing using an anchor spot, a spot in the body where the breath is felt (usually the belly or chest).  I explained our anchor spot is like the anchor of a ship, connecting us to our breath and our body.  After spending two minutes practicing mindful breathing, several students said they wanted to spend more time doing this!  One student said she was so busy in her life that she didn't have time to think about her breath, or take time for herself in this way.  I am extremely happy to provide these amazing girls with the chance to slow down and just breath, even if it is just once a week!

After that, I introduced everyone to our central idea; the big, main concept we will focus on over the course Session 2.  Here it is!

We live in a world that is constantly changing

Over the next 11 classes, we will explore the idea of change in art, in our minds, and in our bodies through movement.  Exciting stuff!

Then I introduced them to the artist Michael Grab; he calls his work "Gravity Glue".  Michael travels to many different places and creates sculptures made of rocks!  He uses the power of gravity to balance these sculptures.  Here is a link to a video of him at work.  After watching part of the video, we talked about if his sculptures are permanent or impermanent.  We also discussed how balance plays a hand in his work.

Then we worked on using balance with our own bodies!  The girls worked in partners to balance in many different yoga poses.  Here are a few pictures of them in action!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Exploring Magnificent Me (K-2nd Grades)

This was our first class for Mind Move Make's Session 2, K-2nd Grade students!  It was great to see everyone again and get started with some new ideas.  This session we are working with a Central Idea: Exploring Magnificent Me!  The students will explore who they are through mindfulness, movement, and visual art.  I'm excited to dive in!

Also, I've recently completed the Mindful Educator Essentials course through the well-respected organization Mindful Schools.  I'll be combining elements of the Mindful Schools curriculum into the mindfulness component of the class.  I'm looking forward to putting the training into action!

After introducing the students to our Central Idea, we focused more specifically on mindful breathing and the idea of an anchor spot.  We talked about why breathing is important to humans, what breathing does for us, and why we'd want to pay attention to our breath.  In terms of anchor spot, I asked the students if they knew what an anchor is in a boat.  Several students had great explanations for this.  Then we thought about how touching either the stomach or the chest while breathing mindfully helps anchor us to our breath because we can feel its movement.

After that we were ready to move our bodies!  I asked the students to focus on how they felt before and after engaging in movement.  We talked about how our minds and bodies need to work together in order to be happy.  We moved through a few Sun Salutations, then I led a few poses with which the students are already familiar.  Then I introduced them to Crow Pose (Bakasana), a challenging arm balance pose.  A few of the students were able to get into it, and the others worked hard trying!  I like adding in challenging poses at times as it gives the students a goal to work towards.

Then we were ready to make artwork!  We started a self-portrait, but I explained that we'd be using photographs of ourselves as a collage element in the artwork.  I took a picture of each child and I'll print them to be used in the next few classes.  We discussed the ideas of self-portrait and collage.  The students began to use oil pastels to mix a skin tone for him or herself.  During our next class we'll be looking at the artist Romare Bearden and his use of collage.

Friday, December 4, 2015


It's amazing to me that I'm writing about our last 3rd-5th grade Mind Move Make class of Session 1! Time has passed quickly, and we're headed towards Session 2.  We had a fun last class together, and I'm thankful for the time I've had to get to know these lovely people even better!

In discussing what everyone liked best about Mind Move Make, most students loved Group Juggling, a movement game we played during several of our classes.  Many other students mentioned that making the masks was their favorite thing about the class.  I think everyone also enjoyed making new friends in the group.

After playing a round of Group Juggling, I gave the students a chance to finish the costumes they began for their final performance.  Then they got into groups and rehearsed the mini movement-based pieces they created last class.  Each student chose the element she felt was most like her: water, fire, or earth.  We already created masks for each element during our previous classes, so students crafted costumes to go with the mask that represented the element they felt matched their personality the best.

I was very impressed with the rehearsal process that ensued.  One group stayed in the art room, and the other group went out into the hallway to have more space for movement.  After each group felt comfortable with their pieces, it was time to perform!  We discussed each performance afterwards.  The girls who practiced in the hallway attracted an audience and ended up performing not just for our little group, but for several of their friends and parents.  I think each group was proud of what they created!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Mindful Eating (K-2nd Grades)

Artist K.R. from our Sahara Desert adventures
It's hard to believe that yesterday was the last Mind Move Make class for my youngest K-2nd grade artists!  We had a fantastic final class.  First, I asked the students to tell me their favorite things about Mind Move Make; I got many different answers.  Several students replied, "Everything!"  Many other students chose a favorite yoga pose as their best memory.  And other children said their favorite thing was getting to know all the people in our group.  One of my main goals in Mind Move Make is developing a sense of community between the students, so I was happy to hear that making friends was one of their favorite parts of class.

  I told the students that I had a special treat for them since it was our last class together, and that it was something you could eat.  Everyone was curious about what it might be!  I explained that instead of eating this special thing the way we eat most foods, we were going to eat it mindfully, together as a group.  I revealed that I had two dried cherries for each person, and that dried cherries is one of my favorite foods.

I explained that as soon as I saw each child in his or her mindful body, I would put two dried cherries in his or her hand.  Each child was able to explore the cherries as a scientist might, smelling, feeling, looking at, and listening to them, but not tasting them yet.  (Yes, I did have the children wash their hands before we started!)  When everyone in the class had their cherries in hand, I told them they could gently place one in their mouth, but asked them not to chew just yet!  I asked them to take the time to feel it's texture and see if there was a taste before chewing.  After a few moments I told them they could slowly chew the cherry while really paying attention to the taste and the sensation of chewing.  I also asked them to think about the act of swallowing the cherry and to see if they could feel how far down they could feel the food traveling through their bodies.

After everyone was finished, I asked what the experience was like.  One girl said she had never thought about swallowing her food before; she found it really interesting to actually feel the food going down her esophagus.  Many other students described the sour taste of the dried cherry, and the rough texture in their mouths.  I asked why mindful eating was important to practice and one girl said, "Because it lets you really taste your food!".  Very true.

After experiencing mindful eating, we looked at the book I Am Yoga one last time and followed along with the movements of the book.  Art-wise, I gave the students three options: 1. They could draw themselves in their favorite yoga pose 2. They could draw themselves eating their favorite food mindfully 3. They could draw themselves in their mindful body.  Here are a couple of the results:

And here are the rest of the Sahara Desert artworks from last class!