Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Balance and Concentration

This week we started Mind Move Make's tenth class with relaxation time instead of discussion.  Right away the students rolled out their yoga mats, got comfortable, and followed the path of their breath while I played the singing bowl.

One student brought in something she wanted to share, so after relaxation we took time to see and hear about her object.  It turns out she made an entire Kindness Creature at home on her own!  It was adorable, green and blue with tiny wings that she created separately and attached to her creature.  It was wonderful to see a student take the ideas we've been working with in class and continue to develop them at home.

During the movement segment of class, I told the students that we would play Yogi Says for the next class and asked them to pay close attention so that they could lead a pose if selected!  We went through a Moon Salutation and a Sun Salutation to warm up.  Then we practiced Tree Pose, which requires balance and concentration.  I asked the students to remind me of what is needed in Tree Pose, and they remembered that having a gazing point (or drishti) is helpful for balance.  Many of the students held hands to help one another with balance.  We then broke up into partner pairs and practiced Tree with another person for help and support.

The children are working hard on their Kindness Creatures!  Most of them have added facial features, and some have even begun to sew the back and front panels together.  Sewing is another task that requires focus and concentration, two of the same skills that are needed in Tree Pose.  Hopefully everyone finishes their Creatures by our last class, which is only two classes away!