Monday, February 16, 2015

Being kind to ourselves

This week we started our Mind Move Make class with a discussion about two questions: 1. Why is it important to be kind to ourselves?  2. What are three to five ways you can show yourself kindness?  Almost all of the students focused on the idea that we need to be kind to ourselves so that we don't hurt our physical bodies.  One student talked about brushing her teeth and eating healthy food.  I was surprised no one discussed thinking kind, positive thoughts about one's self, exercising to stay healthy, or using the breath to stay calm and focused.  Hmmm, I think we'll revisit this topic again next week and see if any of their ideas expand to also include some of these other ideas!

The movement part of this class was especially exciting!  We warmed up with Cat/Cow and Sun Salutations, and then launched into our ocean adventure.  Starting in Navasana (Boat Pose) we rowed out into the ocean.  When a wave came our direction, we stood up on our yoga mat surfboards in Warrior II pose and road the wave back to shore!  Then we paddled out again and did it one more time, as was requested by a few students.  It was quite the yoga adventure.

Art-wise, students are working hard on their Kindness Creatures.  Most of the them have the front and back shapes for these stuffed animals cut out.  Many have also started adding fabric and buttons to become facial features.  Some started sewing the front and back pieces together and might be ready to start stuffing their creatures next class.